Donna just donated $105.50
Cari just donated $63.30
Xuan-Thu just donated $126.60
April just donated $63.30
Dan just donated $1
Sylvia just donated $63.30
Wiebke just donated $126.60
Artem just donated $8
Artem just donated $11
Judith just donated $63.30
luke just donated $15
Artem just donated $12
Artem just donated $47
Oksana just donated $63.30
Annette just donated $120
Kirstie just donated $2.96
Ari just donated $120
Jamie just donated $105.50
Shivani just donated $50
David just donated $189.90

The worst summer on record
The Great Barrier Reef is fighting for life and we are fighting for her future. A global mass bleaching event has been declared. Help build resilience into our most precious marine ecosystems.
Credit: Gary Cranitch, Queensland Museum
Funds raised for the Reef Rescue Appeal will be used by the Great Barrier Reef Foundation to help the Reef recover and build its resilience for the future.

April 2024 Great Barrier Reef
Global mass bleaching event declared. Credit: AIMS, Veronique Mocellin.

Releasing coral babies from floating pools
Credit: Southern Cross University (SCU)
This year’s mass bleaching event is hurting our Reef.
The Great Barrier Reef has suffered the worst summer on record, enduring cyclones, severe flooding, crowns-of-thorns starfish outbreaks and a mass coral bleaching event, a report has just confirmed.
We’ve made significant progress advancing methods to restore reefs damaged by the impacts of climate change, but coral reefs remain one of the most vulnerable ecosystem on the planet. The Great Barrier Reef can recover, but she needs your support.
When she hurts, we hurt. You can help rescue the Reef and build her resilience to the challenges of a warming planet.
How you can help rescue the Reef.
There’s never been a more dangerous time for our reef systems, but the good news is we’ve never been in a better position to respond to the threat.
In the past five years, there have been more advancements in applicable solutions than have been achieved in the past 50 years. We already have the research and solutions ready to protect the Reef, but we need your help to implement them at scale.
Here’s how your support will help rescue the Reef.
Rapid response: taking immediate action to minimise the damage
Your support will help fund immediate response actions, including ranger-led and technology-driven monitoring missions to understand and map the affected sites and assess damage. This informs the next step: a restoration and resilience plan.
Restoration: repairing damaged areas of the Reef with Corals for Today
You can help us restore areas of the Reef that have been damaged by bleaching through programs such as coral fragment planting and our innovative Coral IVF program.
Occurring alongside the once-a-year coral spawning event, our Coral IVF program collects millions of coral babies in floating pools, harvests them, then deploys them onto damaged reefs to restore and repopulate them
Resilience: building resilience into our reef systems with Corals for Tomorrow
You can help build long-term resilience in the Reef. Your donations will help accelerate the research and deployment of corals with increased thermal tolerance. These corals are part of a toolkit of solutions that are ready to be deployed onto the Reef.
A Reef Rescue Appeal advisory team made up of scientists, Traditional Owners and Reef stakeholders will assess where the need is greatest and which projects are required to respond, recover, and promote resilience. The Great Barrier Reef Foundation will work with partners to initiate projects on areas most impacted and with the highest chance of recovery.
She needs more than your love. She needs your help.

“It’s the beginning of a fight that we have to win.”
Internationally acclaimed marine scientist and climate change specialist, Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg remains optimistic that we can turn the tide on climate change and save coral reefs for generations to come.
“If we don’t act in the next few years, we won’t have a reef that’s full of corals. No corals, no fish, no economic benefits and no beautiful reefs. A miserable tragedy. . . But if we start today and we dig very deeply into rapidly reducing greenhouse emissions, and we build the resilience of the reef systems, we have a good chance of preserving, not all the coral that we have today, but a substantial amount.”
– Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, University of Queensland
Other ways to donate.
Direct deposit
Email us at to receive the details to donate directly to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation gift fund.
Please send your donation cheque to: Great Barrier Reef Foundation, GPO Box 1362, Brisbane QLD 4001.
What hope is there for the Reef? The hope you give her.
The Reef can still return to health, but only with help. Please donate today to rescue the Reef and protect her for future generations.